Yaya Quote:

I write with humble. I scribble with passion. I doodle with emotions.


Monday, May 31, 2010


Before we were chemical engineers,

We were chemical students,

Which meant we spent lots of time studying chemistry,

Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry,

We learnt it all,

But when we were talking about human chemistry,

Only one thing matters,

Either you GOT IT,

Or you DONT.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cerita Cinta Roti Canai - episode 5

Me : (gedik-gedik) Saya cantik x?
Beliau : Cantik. Macam princess fiona waktu malam.
Me : @#$&*

Friday, May 28, 2010

When I said it is enough.

Our mothers tell us to be aware of the mysterious man,
Dont talk to them in the park,
Dont take their candy,
Dont get into their cars,
And whatever you do,
Dont let them into the house.
But what do we do,
If we already invited them in.

Mysterious man,
They make promises,
that they have no intention of keeping,
They tell lies to get what they want,
They maybe more dangerous than they seem,

Our mothers told us we cannot trust the man we dont know,
And those that we do know,


We cant always trust them either.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

enam belas tahun

Dah abis degree. Yea yea! It feels good to know that your journey of studying comes to the end. eh ye ke? ye la kut kalau x sambung master. heh.

Teringat dulu kecik2, kena belajar ABC ngan 123. Dulu mak aku nak anak dia terer cina, so dia campak la aku (anak first) dalam kindergarden cina, Methodist Chinese Kindergarden belajar ee,er, san. Gila horror kindergarden tu, aku la orang yang asyik kena pukul ngan rotan. Sepanjang pengalaman kat kindergarden tu, rotan tu la yang aku ingat. Panjang, tebal plak tu, pastu leh plak lilit getah setiap satu jengkal. Meme best laa kalau kena.

Nak tau betapa horornya kindergarden tu, tanya laa nenek ak.(dulu kecik2, arwah tuk ngan nenek ak yang jaga ak). Ak lari kindergarden. Ak sembunyi dekat pak gad. Ak sembunyi dalam toilet. Tapi yang bestnya, bila part recess time, masa tu la yang ak muncul. Dpat makan roti ngan milo. Oh, kami x dibenarkan main kat luar.

Disebabkan ak baik sangat slalu sembunyi dalam toilet. Cikgu yang berotan besar tu slalu x bagi kalau aku nak g toilet. So akibatnya, ak slalu berak and kencing dalam seluar. Yes. Memalukan kan? Tapi, cikgu tu la punya salah, xnak bagi ak g toilet. Maka, nenek ak laa jadi mangsa basuhh segala.

Kindergarden dah grad. Masuk skolah plak. Masa primary school nie ak glemer gila. Sebab aku slalu lewat p skola. 7.45 loceng dah bunyi. Ak kul 8 baru sampai. Heh. Ak lewat slalu sebab suka duk termenung dalam toilet lama2. :). Denda kat skola ak, sape lewat datang skola, kena berdiri atas pentas masa perhimpunan. Tiap2 hari aku lewat, jadi tiap2 hari aku atas pentas. Mmg glemer.

Lepas tu buku aku rajen jugak kena campak ke luar kelas sebab x buat homework. Kena rotan tu biasa. Kena lari 2 round padang tu biasa. Kena peluk pokok tu biasa. Kena jumpa ketua besar biasa. Kena berdiri atas kerusi. Kena berdiri luar kelas. Semua tu biasa. Cikgu sampai penat nak panggil mak aku. :). Aku pon penat gak kena pukul ngan mak aku. Ohh ni belum cakap kenakalan aku after school. Kenakalan tu laa meyebabkan aku slalu gak kena pukul ngan bapak aku. Kena ngan tali pinggang okai!. Tapi aku malas nak crita apa aku buat lepas balik skolah.

Lepas tu, ak kena pindah skolah masa form 2. First day aku dah lewat. Pengawas tahan aku lepas tu kena kutip sampah. For the first time, baru aku reti nak malu. Sebab sebelum ni aku skolah semua perempuan. Skola baru ni, campur laki perempuan. Haish2, malu kut tgk jejaka2 hensem pandang ak kutip sampah. Mmg lepas tu, ak berazam takkan lewat. and yes! ak x pernah lewat. kalau mak ak antar skola campur2 camni dari kecik kan bagus.(nampak sgt jejaka2 ensem mampu tukar life aku)

Disebabkan dengan displin aku yang bagus selama 4 tahun di skola tu, ak dilantik jadi Penolong Ketua Pengawas. Hahaha. Budak lari skola, budak slalu lewat p skola dpt jawatan nie. Mmg silap la cikgu yang lantik tu. Masa ak jadi pen ketua pengawas ni lagi skali ak jadi glemer. Sebab tiap2 hari ak kena naik pentas, tapi bukan kena denda, kena jadi MC. ketar2 cakap depan member2, cikgu2 yang buat muka nak makan aku kalau aku silap cakap. Tambah2 depan jejaka ensem tu, lagiii laa malu. Pelik sungguh dulu nape aku x pernah nak malu naik atas pentas.

Tapi masa ak form 5, ak suka gila ponteng skolah, ponteng kelas. Tapi cikgu semua macam x kisah aku ponteng skola ngan kelas. Ak pon x paham kenapa diorang syg sgt kat aku. Aku ponteng 2 bulan kut. Cikgu kelas ak siap cakap, kalau nak ikutkan awak kena buang skola, tapi x pela, cikgu pejam mata je. Tgk!! betapa sayangnya beliau kat aku. Cuba kalau student lain, mampus budak tu kena buang.

Masuk matrik johor pulak, rajin jugak ponteng tapi mak aku turut terlibat. Dia laa suruh aku ponteng kelas. Siap call lagi cikgu displin cakap anak dia kena balik sebab dia duk saket. Padahal sihatt je. Biasalaa, rindu kat anak.

Dapat masuk universiti, kat sini aku malas nak crita.

16 tahun menghabiskan masa dengan belajar. Dan sekarang aku jobless. Kan bagus kalau dari dulu aku bukak restoran, mesti dah success.


Moral of the story :
1. Berkawan dengan jejaka ensem
2. Jangan belajar. Eh?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cerita Cinta Roti Canai - episode 4

Kumbang and I were at Rusna Tomyam. We talk about how stupid can a person could be.

Beliau : Bijak itu banyak. Tapi banyak budak degree takde bijak macam saya ada ni.Tekalah saya bijak ape. (dia mmg suka belagak sikit)

Me : Huh? Bijak ape yang awak ada? Bijak kelentong?

Beliau : Bukann..

Me : Lepas tu ape?

Beliau : Awak x bijak la tu sebab tu tak tau.

Me : (apa punya tunang daaa!!)

I took my car key and I pook his hand.

Beliau : Ouch. Sakit. Nape cucuk saya.

Me : Tahu tak kenapa saya cucuk awak?

Beliau : Huh?? Kenapa?

Me : Kira awak x bijak la x tahu nape saya cucuk awak.

Beliau : Terdiam.

Yess! Dapat balas dendam! Yaya gembira dalam hati.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Air kosong tinggal kosong

Paper abis.

Yess! Takyah study.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cerita Cinta Roti Canai - episode 3

At Nasi KandaQ Sithick.

Me : Awak, bulan 12 nie habib jewels ada sales. Jom cari rantai kawen.

Beliau : Sapa nak beli rantai emas dekat awak?

Me : Lorr!! Haritu masa tunang ok je!

Beliau : Eh.. saya nak beli rantai besi je dekat awak. Rantai jugak kan?

Me : @%^&*()(*&^%$#.. (Mood malas nak layan)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bapak ku ensem.

When it comes to end of semester, barulah anak-anak akan buat suara kesian dekat ibu dan bapak. Yea! suara-suara sebegenilah yang dapat memancing ibu ibu dan bapa bapa sekalian mengeluarkan $$ dari dompet lalu bagi dekat anak yang tidak reti berjimat macam saya.

Selalunya, cik yaya hanya mintak $$ dekat Tuan Syed Hussin. Kalau minta dekat Puan Shariffah Shams sepuloh hari sepoloh malam pon tak akan dapat! KONFEM!!!

Tapi Puan Shariffah Shams amat diperlukan dalam taktik meminta duit ini. Dia lah yang kena pujuk big bos nie. Maka, secara tidak langsung saya kena call cik mama kita ni untuk urusan bodek membodek.

Cik yaya : Hello mama... Buat apa tu..
Mama : Main game (Ohh.. mak saya ada sindrom main game barn buddy kat facebook)
Cik yaya: Ooo.. Mama x rindu kat oya ke? (Oya itu nama manja saya)
Mama : Tak pon.. (Mak saya mmg macamtu, cakap lain hati lain.. hehe)
Cik yaya : Eleh.. Maa, Takde duit
Mama : Awat mintak kat mama.. Mama bukan ada duit
Cik yaya : Alaa mama.. mintak sat kat walid.
Mama: Haa.. call la walid mintak
Saya : Mama medium terbaik untuk bercakap dengan walid.
Mama : Pandai laa!!!
Saya : Mama cantik! Pleasee..
Mama : Haa.. cakap dengan walid.. Jap.

So, meanwhile mak saya passing phone dekat suami tercinta beliau. Conversation sang isteri dan sang suami tetap akan ada!.

Mama : Ni anak awak phone.
Walid : Mana satu.
Mama : Yang besaq.
Walid : Dia nak ape?
Mama : Dia x de duit.
Walid : Haa.. xmo cakap..
Mama : Nah nah.. i xmo masuk campur.
Walid : U yang beranak dia bukan i.
Mama : Naahh.... cakap laaaa ngan dia.. kesian kat dia

Conversation ni slalu sgtt aku dengar. Nak kata tergores hati? TAK LANGSUNG! Dah biasa dari kecik.

Gayut ngan bapak nie takyah cakap pasal duit dah, skill merapu je diperlukan. Sebab objektif sebenar mama dah bagitau tadi.

Ini perbualan dengan si bapak.

Walid : Hello
Saya : Wow walid, suara hensem hari ini.
Walid : hehehe.. (dia tgh perasan tu). Ni sapa? (ok, mula dah merapu)
Saya : Anak walid paling baik dalam dunia.
Walid : Anak aku? Anak mana satu.
Saya : Alaa.. yang kiut2 tu.. comel2.. baik baik.. yang tu la..
Walid : Anak bini mana nie ? (bapak saya mmg!!, dia ingat dia ada sepoloh isteri, padahal satu je)
Saya : Anak shariffah shams.
Walid : Oooo... shariffah shams mana satu?
Saya : Yang bagi phone tadi tu.
Walid : Aikk yang tu bukan bibik ke?
Saya : Uishh.. takkan bibik lawa macam tu
Walid : Lorr.. bibik laa tu. dia duk masak, kemas rumah,sidai baju
Saya : ...... (x larat nak layan dah)
Saya : walid, oya call walid banyak kali tau sebab rindu kat walid(padahal tak pon)
Walid : Mana ada... x dak pon..
Saya : adaa. henpon walid tinggal kat atas sokmo, mana nak dgr (gila menipu.. tapi ni semua dasar bodek ye! jangan salah anggap)
Walid : ooo ya ka? nak brapa?
Saya : seratus je.. kalau baik hati bagi 3 ratus pon x pa.
Walid : taraaakkkk!!!!! dah aku x mo cakap. nah cakap ngan mak hang
saya : ok byeee.... sayngggg walik

Lepas hang up, benda x boleh dilupai, kena misscall henpon bapak 6 kali cukup syarat bukti anak kesayangan call dia tadi.

Tunggu esok, RM100 dalam akaun. Yesss!!

Fyi, conversation diatas ni semua sebijik tiap2 kali mintak duit. Cuma part merapu tu je lain sket. Kadang2 kena merapu jadi polis. Kadang2 kena merapu jadi doktor. Haishh!!

Kalau mintak duit direct macam tu ja tanpa merapu rapan.. confirm x dapat.

Btw.. Baik kan anak Tuan Syed Hussin nie?


p/s kepada future anak/future cucu /future cicit : Jangan buat perangai lagu ni noo. Buat jaa perangai buruk macam nie, siap la, nenek kebayan luku kepala sekoq2.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cerita Cinta Roti Canai - episode 2

He rang me yesterday.

Me : Hello
Beliau : Hello sayang! Buat apa?
Me : Odw g beli makan. Lapaq.
Beliau : Ooo.. Tadi kawan awak tegor saya.
Me : Sape?
Beliau : Zul kut nama die. Terer tul dia boleh ingat sy tunang awak.
Me : Tu laa. Ada good memory kut.
Beliau : Bukan sebab tu la.
Me : Lorr.. Pastu?
Beliau : Sebab muka saya macam ADAM laa!.. Bab tu orang ingat.

Motip nak bagitau muka dia macam adam. Padahal adam sepuloh kali ensem. Adam dalam cita adamaya.

Haishh! Tunang aku, tunang aku.

Menyesal angkat phone. Tapi layan je laa orang tua ni perasan.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Kumbang!

See what Kumbang gets on his 26th birthday!

Ni semua gara-gara poster presentation FYP.

Why only girls can have this creatif mind.


i love u

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cerita Cinta Roti Canai - episode 1

We were on our way to Shabu-shabu Steamboat at Manjong. Ntah angin apa, I'm in mood merajok. Then, we both saw segerombolan monyet berjalan2.

Me : Haa! Tu kawan awak! (Sambil tunjuk dekat monyet- konon nak tunjuk merajok tu sgt)
Beliau : Oh itu kawan saya, tapi yang tu awak (Sambil tunjuk member monyet lagi satu dengan selamba)
Me : Ergh! (sambung balik merajok)

Cinta Buah Strawberry

My sayang and I went to Cameron Highlands!

Bestttt! Thumbs Up! Fantastic! You people should go!

First Destination : Honey Farm

The honey came from that purple flower.
Its worth it to have a try of raw honey.
Serious sedap and murah!.
RM 2.00 per sip.

Second Destination : Malaysia Largest Maze

You should try the maze too.
Its in honey farm itself. Second floor.
Bestt kut! Macam alice in wonderland.
The only different is the maze is made from plywood instead of grass.
But to go alone is quite creepy.
Both of us sesat for quite a few times,
But we manage to come out from exit.
Oh yea, you will get a souvenir if you can habis the maze.

Third Destination : Cactus Farm

Both of us not a fan of cactus.
You can see it from his face dalam gambar.

Fourth Destination : Makan Makan.

Really should try this strawberry daimon and whip cream + choc strawberry!!

Fifth Destination : Cameron Valley Farm

To be here is a must must.

To see the paronama of tea green leaves is just mesmerizing.

Indahnyaa ciptaan Tuhan.

Sixth Destination : Smoke House

To see english style cottage.
Smokehouse is the best place.

Seventh Destination : Agro Farm

Gamble Gamble!
Sebelum beliau main, there is a father trying hard for his daughter.
Three times the dad main, still x menang2,
Si bapak give up and si anak merajok2.
Then come si beliau,
one time gamble and win.
pround gilaaaaa!!!
and im showing off the daughter my teddy bear.
Sebik jee budak tu.. :P
Sorry si budak!

We went to most of the places.
Except for jungle trecking.
Its RM100/person depends on the package.
Takde duit.. :(
But to those who want to relax and loves adventure,
Cameron Highland is the best place!

Ohh.. Please beware of the food.
Else you will stuck in Hosp Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom in the middle of the night


Friday, May 14, 2010


Kumbang saya suruh saya update blog. Katanya, hidup dia tidak bermakna tanpa membaca blog saya. (itu ayat sekadar ingin mengambil hati saya) Malangnya, saya tidak mempunyai apa apa untuk diupdate. Lalu, saya ingin menceritakan hari bersuka ria kaum cheme. ( ayat saya sgt poyosss sekarang dan kemudian kemudian sebab saya di dalam mood kepoyoan)

Saya dan team merah perempuan saya sungguh hebat lalu menang dalam pertandingan tarik tali dan bola baling baling. Dalam bola baling-baling ni, saya berperanan menjadi tiang gol. Hey! ingat senang ke nak jadi tiang gol nie, susah k!. Walaupon tiada berlari2 macam orang lain, tapi ia sangat memerlukan kelompatan yang tinggi, ketekunan dan kecendurangan menangkap bola. Tanpa ciri2 berikut, anda tidak layak jadi tiang gol. Jikalau tiada tiang gol yang berkaliber (macam saya), maka tiadalah gol2. (cheewahhh!!) . hehehe.. takdelahhh. team kami menang sebab team member kami semua HEBAT2. Si team perempuan score markah, si team lelaki jadi cheerleader terbaik.

Combination tersebut membuatkan team kami jatuh ke tempat kedua. Alaa.. kami dua mata je different dengan team first.

Tak caya dengan kehebatkan team merah? Tgk laa videoo nii..

kami hebat!!!

Dalam tarik-tarik tali pula, saya jadi achor. Takde benda best pon nak cakap dalam game nie. Walaupon kami menang, saya berasa amat malu. Sebab saya terjatuh masa tgh tarik. Dah laa terjatuh, kena heret plak tu, sebab tali tu lilit dekat badan saya. Ahh benci benci benciiii. Macam nak terjun je laut, takmau naik2 dah. Tapi, disebabkan cheerleader lelaki2 yang bersorak-sorak, maka saya bangun dengan buat muka selamba dan terus tarik dan tarik dan tarik lalu menang. Yeahh!!! (masih dalam mood malu)

Ohh fyi, kami tarik tarik tali dalam hujaaaannn!!

Korang korang, introduce you team merah yang hebat hebat.

nama gaya lembut itu: ijat si mermaid

Conclusion, saya sukaaaaaaaa chemee outing!! best gilaaaaa! Kepada dikau dikau yang tidak attend, kamu rugi!!.

Berjoget2 mintak buat alumni pulak setahun dari sekarang.

Waaaaaaa.... Badan saya sangat sakettttt......!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

"You gently help me into your arms,
And sheltered me from earthly harms,
You watched me grown into who I am,
And guided me with gentle hand,
You taught me what I ought to be,
Then reluctantly you set me free,
So now this simple prayer I offer,
To protect and shelter my mom FOREVER."

Happy Mother's Day Maa!!!

Enjoy the day with your mom,
Because she's worth it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Life gives you lemon, you make lemonade

Just finished reading my 2008 post. Rasa macam nak naik time machine, went back to exact time, and give a big slap to my face.

Geleng kepala dekat yaya 2008. Thumbs up dekat yaya 2010.


But there is always a reason why.

I remember...

My 2008 life have been visited by grief, tremendous loss, emotionally and materially, death of a loved one, accident dan lagi lagi. To have suffered such a loss, my feelings are hard to describe adequately at that time. There is a sense of utter despair, emptiness, and a numbing of the senses. It can become so intense that one actually questions the whole purpose and meaning of life.

and then, I found this verse.(still keep it in my laptop)

In Sura Al-Baqara, verses 155-157, Allah s.w.t

"Be sure We shall test you with something of fear andhunger; some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (ofyour toil) but give glad tidings to those who patientlypersevere. Who say when afflicted with calamity: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhir raji-oon""

From these verse, we can see that in a Muslim's life, hardship and suffering should never come as a complete surprise. In fact, Allah promises us some hardship as a certainty, somewhere during our lifetime. It is a test of our iman, our faith in Allah, and we should not despair, because there are lessons to be learnt from every situation, especially from misfortune.

NOW, for all susah susah at 2008, I'm enjoying senang-senang at 2010.

So Kawan-kawan!!,

Everything happens for a reason, bebeh.

p/s: hugs yaya 2008 for being such a strong girl.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cerita Saya

Saya termenung tgk kawan-kawan saya,
Seronok tgk mereka-mereka,
Banyak benda mereka ada,
Tapi saya tak ada.

Kawan-kawan saya ada ni,

Saya takde. :(
Saya jalan kaki pergi lab,
Kalau saya nak ke bus stesen,
Saya terpaksa buat muka x malu mintak tumpang,
Saya kena tunggu kawan ajak g shopping.
Saya kena tunggu kawan ajak g pasar malam.
Kadang-kadang kawan janji nak ambil saya,
tapi tak ambil2,
takpe sy x marah.


Kawan kawan saya ada ni,
saya takde :(
saya ada camera,
tapi terpaksa ikat getah dekat bateri slot die,
saya seronok tgk gambar kawan-kawan saya,
gambar permandangan,
gambar self potrait,
diorang slalu upload dekat facebook,
saya tgk aje,
saya slalu tertanya2,
diorang taknak tangkap gambar saya ke?
saya tak kisah

Kawan kawan saya Mr and Mrs,

saya cemburu,
diorang study rilek2 je,
tapi masih boleh score,
CGPA mereka dasyat2,
saya pon nak study rilek2 juga,
dan score,
tapi tak boleh. :(
saya terima seadanya.


Baju kawan-kawan saya semua branded,

Saya pon ada baju dan beg branded, tapi semua ciplak,
saya selalu tunggu sales,
tapi kekadang sales pon saya x mampu jugak.
tapi takpe.
saya suka baju scarlet yang murah


Kawan-kawan saya anak orang kaya,

saya tidak.
duit skoler tu laa duit makan saya.
duit skoler tu laa duit enjoy saya.
bapak saya pikir sepluh kali kalau nak bagi duit kat saya.
saya ok je.


kawan-kawan saya pakai,
saya 2003 je.
ram laptop saya 256mb je
hard disk pula 60 gb.,

kalau install confirm laptop saya jadi macam siput,
diorang slalu antar docx, xlsx, pptx.
tapi saya tak boleh bukak file yang ade "X"
saya ada converter.


Saya suka hidup saya.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unknown people.

Today I received more than 15 phone calls,

6 text messages,

with 4 different number,

and different voices,

but with one Utara slang,

asking where I am,

who I am,

and what I do.

When I asked why,

they told me they got my number from ppl at Lumut.

I told them, salah nombor encik.

They said no,

insist me to tell them who I am.

I disconnect the call.

and they continue callinggggg

apakahh semuaaa ini!! gila menakutkan!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lovey Yoka

Before my pet story become stale, I would love to share my little mini-series of mine.

Approximately three years ago, I went to Pet Wonderland, sight seeing the animals. I still remembered, how much I would like to have a pet but none seems to interest me. Bak kata si kawan, no feromon.

But, cinta pandang pertama really happens when I saw this tupai sleeping right below the branch. To see her wide eyes, pink nose, make me rasa macam nak give my first kiss and bring her home.

Badly, hati saya terjatuh, when I saw the price. Rm 44O/single.

So me pulang dengan kecewa. :(

Back home, I googled her, save her pictures, make some readings with hope I can owned her in future.

Guess what, now, I'm flauntinggggggg my Yoka to you!! and People!, it is not a rat nor a mouse, its a sugar glider with scientic name Petaurus breviceps. The bonus was I have a pair of them! Poka and yoka. (Nama diambil sempena subjek OM tersayang, poka yoke.) Fyi, Poka owned by si kumbang and he is out of the story here.

"Hai.. Saya Yoka"

We play and we bond and beliau agak sepoel.

Dia mmg suka tido.

Facts that you need to know: Her life span is 10-15 years depending on how they are taken care of. I do hope she can live a long quality life with me. Yoka pleaseeeeee dont die soon!!!.

NOTE : Suggies is a very social and need and crave lots of companionship. This makes them a good pet for the owners especially who is single and lonely like me. Ohh ohh ohh , maybe I need to slash the word single.

-Si Owner-

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The day when you say you love me.

Both of us,

in one evening,

at Port Dickson.

Too see the sun goes down.

To see the birds in the sky high

And to write loves on the sand.

Love you bebeh =)

Monday, May 3, 2010

We are leading our way to good energy consumption...

Its time to uplug those vampire appliances,
from the creamy white outlet,
that quench their unholy thrist,
for electrons.

Lamp, computers, fan all switch off!

(The Simpson,2010)

While I agree to reduce the consumption is great, it is hard to reduce the permanent change of lifestyle. Good for us, there is renewable energy.

So Friendlist! Beyond to you wind! The energy of power.

Wind energy is friendly to the surrounding environment. No fossil fuels to generate electricity. Here also means, no CO no CO2.

Wind turbines/Windmill take up less space than our TNB power station. So the left empty spaces can be used for many purposes, take argriculture for example.

The wind is FOC.

The combination of wind energy and solar electricity is great for developed and developing countries to provide a steady, reliable supply of electricity.

If you want wind as your power, you might as well need windmill.

Can I afford it?
There is tax credit, government rebate(malaysia tidak ada) and the average price of a windmill is about $100 to $1000. Surprisingly murah kan??

But you also may WANT to consider...

Wind turbines ini bising. The noise is similar to a small jet engine.

Winds is unreliability factor that can make your power down. Here I mean is,
Try to think if the wind stop blowing, while you are:
- watching Man U vs Arsenal.
- wearing lipstick at night.
- cooking something,
- in the middle of doing thesis.
What will you feel? Regret?
And you may also may need to pray alot for our FOC wind to come.

p/s: Saya confius kenapa tiba tiba blog pasal renewable energy.

Sekian Ceramah,
Si Engineer yang tiba-tiba Nerd

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love you RomeO, I love you JulieX

In a conflict as old as pensil and paper,

Two mighty army square off the battle of,



Remember my dear,

The one who controls the center,

Controls the board.