Yaya Quote:

I write with humble. I scribble with passion. I doodle with emotions.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Caspesian Sea

Murphy sent me to the sea. And good thing is, they sponsored me everthing. The best one, they provide me a suite hotel!!

Freaking in love with the hotel. Tapi, I couldnt spenTt much dalam bilik and groom and make myself macam tuan puteri. I need to be on the boat at 5.30 am and back at 8 pm. 2 hrs travelling on the sea. Best ok!

This is Caspesian Sea. A hugeeee ship. I feel like I am in Titanic ship.

So, kalau nak naik ship, you have to used basket transfer. The mostt exhilirating for me to do! siap suruh the cable man pusing I satu ship lagi. Gilaaa best!

And oh my god, the fish dalam laut, gilaaaaaa THOUSANDDDSSSS of them. you can see them in one troop banyak2, macam pulau perhentian. weeee! And I met dophin yaw!

I can see sunset and sunrise everyday.How I wish Abdillah was there dekat tepi and beromantik each other...

The operator sana pon best. Oh yea, laksa sarawak are simply sedapp gilaaa dan teh beng diorang awesome! Tried this with Inot.

:). Freaking in love with the sea. Cant wait next month!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

beshnya !!! mesti besh kan keje ni tengok laut selalu