Yaya Quote:

I write with humble. I scribble with passion. I doodle with emotions.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January Wedding Progress

I was so excited to see Marion's Wedding. And even more excited to see her stairs!

Kaching Kaching! Lets DIY and see what happened. Jadi ke x? err..

Current Mode : 
- DIYed 1000 pcs of doorgift. Another 300 pcs to go!
- VVIP  Card - 50 pcs more to go.
- VIP Card and Wedding Card are yet to design.
- Khusus Khawin - Will attend this weekend.


Ive been vomiting again. No fun!


humairah said...

yaya.. kursus kawen la.. bkn khusus.. =)

yaya said...

uik uik.. silap daa....

kih kih kih..